Carnelian Heart - mini
Magickal Glaze

Carnelian Heart - mini

Regular price $12.00 $0.00 Unit price per

Carnelian grounds and anchors you into reality. This is a stabilising stone with remarkably high energy levels. Carnelian is excellent for restoring your vitality and motivation. It is the stone for creativity which include drama, art, and dance. Carnelian gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy, and motivates you for success. Carnelian stimulates, balances, and heals women's reproductive systems.

Carnelian eases premenstrual syndrome, irregular menstrual cycles, cramps, and can bring on your menstrual cycle if puberty is delayed for too long. This stone promotes responsible sexuality, sacred sex, and planned reproduction. 

Carnelian influences the male and female reproductive organs by increasing fertility, overcoming impotence and frigidity. Carnelian lends vitality and energy to the physical body. It helps you to purify and sanctify the body as a temple of the spirit. It is an excellent support for detoxifying from alcohol or other drugs, breaking negative or hurtful physical habits and generally improving overall health.

Approx. 30 x 30 x 15mm


Note: You will receive one tumble stone shown and chosen intuitively for you