Aura Amethyst Tumbled
Amethyst Aura is a wonderful talisman for use in the creative arts. If you paint, draw, sculpt, write, or create in any way, keep a nice Amethyst aura crystal or crystal cluster in the area to focus and amplify the creative elements of the Universal Life Force. Amethyst Aura is also a well-known healer that has profound effects in balancing the crown chakra. If you are feeling out of sorts, blocked, and mentally clumsy, try a short session with an Amethyst aura, you will likely find yourself refreshed, alert, and back in control. This crystal is perfect for just recovering from a hard day. If you want your mind back, and some peace and a chance to really be creative, keep this nearby.
Note: You will receive one tumble stone shown and chosen intuitively for you